Saturday, November 28, 2015

DuPage County is committed to saving energy

What makes DuPage cool?   Outstanding forest preserves, amazing bike trails, a world-class arboretum and now, leaders working together on clean and efficient use of energy.

In 2013, DuPage County upped its commitment to the environment and a stronger economy by committing to the Cool County initiative.  As a Cool County, DuPage has set a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 10% by 2020 and 20% by 2030.

Cool DuPage is inviting all DuPage communities to participate in its clean energy initiatives.  Participating communities are offered technical assistance to help them achieve their carbon pollution reduction goals.

Energy efficiency and clean energy projects have a proven track record of saving money and creating jobs.  As DuPage grows cooler, everyone benefits from cleaner air, reduced energy costs and a stronger and more resilient economy.

Mayors working together with the County for cleaner energy will make DuPage a truly cool place for its residents to live and work.

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  1. A presentation on Cool DuPage is scheduled for the Dec 15th Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission, 7:30 pm at the Civic Center. Everyone is invited to attend and learn more about the County's energy saving strategies.

  2. There is a chance you are eligible for a new government solar rebate program.
    Determine if you are qualified now!
